Kate & Olivia

Kate and Olivia are a pair.  Often where you find one you find the other.  Even at bedtime...they each have their own bedroom but usually opt to sleep together.  I love their bond.  Thier conversations and laughs are so much fun to overhear.  Last year they were on the same dance team together-and we often found them practicing together (mostly Kate coaching her little sis).  Tonight they decided to try “2 person yoga”.  Not sure where they come up with this stuff but it was hilarious to watch.  And in perfect timing I had a Facebook timehop pop up today of the two of them making “soup” out of Pom-Pom’s 6 years ago.  Don’t get me wrong-they have their spats too.  My favorite is when you hear them yelling at each other in the middle of the night because one is snoring or one of their legs is on the others face.  Praying they grow old together in this fun supportive bond.  Along with Ava (who is at a different stage now) but gets in the mix too.


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