
Today was an adventure. Girls woke up in a great mood. Dropped them off at sitter. Breakfast with Doug. Productive with work. Then, my husband (who was working at home this morning because he has been working evenings/nights this week) decided to take a break and come talk to me in my office. While talking, he was rummaging through drawers and found masking tape. At this point he began wrapping masking tape around me and the chair and....I was laughing so hard, I couldn't fight back. After about a minute of masking tape, my dad called....Doug answered the phone, handed it to me without saying a word, went to go work out and left me stranded with phone, in my office, completely stuck in masking tape. I was laughing so hard I was crying...haven't done that in a while...loved it! After finishing work (and digging myself out of masking tape)...I picked up the girls and headed to Kroger for some grocery shopping. Ava is addicted to shopping carts that double as kiddie cars. She expe...