
Showing posts from June 11, 2010

Ducks in a Row Ava

This morning Ava disappeared to her room for a while - I thought to play with her dolls/kitchen in her room.  I went up to check on her and found her completely orga nizing her closet (let me preface this post by saying that none of the following was prompted by me - all Ava's initiative:-)).  She had all the bins out of one of her toy drawers and was organizing the doll accessories into different containers - all the bottles/spoons in one spot, doll "toys" in another and folded clothes into the third.  Her shoes were lined up on her shoe rack very neatly - all in a row. The strollers were tucked away into their assigned spot and she had even hung her princess dresses on hangers.  Needless to say...I was impressed.  I asked her what she was doing, and in a very matter of fact tone she said "cleaning my closet.  I have  a lot of cleaning to do."  About 15 minutes later I was downstairs doing some of my own cleaning and ...