Can't forget Baby Fighter...the girls and I trekked to my 24 week appointment today and got to hear his/her heartbeat! It was strong and perfect!! Yay ! Although this little one likes to move as soon as the Doppler hears the heartbeat...stage fright? Ava was enamored by the whooshing sound and Kate just sort of sat there, unimpressed:-) So far, outside of a few minor aches and pains this pregnancy has been good. My BP was 116/58...no swelling...and on track as far as measurements. And my energy has been up lately so I'm praying this continues ( although we'll see how "cheery" I am 8.5 months pregnant, in the middle of August. All about the attitude...right??)!! And let me just tell you how funny it is to take a 3 year old to the OB office...Ava is going through a "why" and "what's that" phase and it definitely added some comedy to the doctors, nurses and my day:-) So excited for Baby Fighter's arrival!!