Olivia - 4 Months

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old already. Time is flying. She is such a fun girl. She is definitely a mama's girl but smiles at the sight of her daddy and big sisters. Olivia is by far the loudest baby of all 3...constantly babbling (perhaps trying to keep up with her big sisters) and I have never seen a baby spit up so much. Part of the reason our laundry is never ending! Milestones include rolling over (only twice...probably a factor of the way she was positioned), lots of babbles...mamamama, babababa and squeals, tons of smiles and giggling (my personal favorite). She is also bearing weight on her legs and holding her head up well (likes to catch all the action). Sleep wise...she goes down around 7:30, sleeps until 3AM, eats, goes back down until 6/7, eats...then goes back down until 8/9. Hopefully we'll start getting some even longer stretches here shortly, but honestly we can't complain! She has always been our cat napper, but has recently been taking 2.5 - 3 hour naps in the afternoon (yay!). Her 4 month appt. was this week and here are her stats:
Weight: 13.7 lbs (48th percentile)
Height: 23.25'' (19th percentile)


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