
Showing posts from June 14, 2011

Encouraging Reminder

...on a day where work was piled up way too high on top of six hours of conference calls, little time with my girls and chores left undone...this quote taken from a friend today was a timely and perfect reminder...  "Didn't accomplish half of what I'd hoped to today, but God is always good and that's enough." p.s. i did sneak in some really fantastic hugs and smiles from my girls before they went to bed tonight - also good for the soul:-)

Painting Crew...

A few buckets of water + paint brushes = easy early afternoon entertainment.  :-)


Slipping and a sliding....  Olivia and Kate drinking the water... Olivia still trying to drink the water... Popsicles... My favorite view... Flower and strawberry planting... 577 Foundation... Learning a little bit about solar electricity... And more popsicles...and Kate's crazy face...