
Showing posts from May 11, 2011

Like Big Sis, Like Litle Sis

Ava, Olivia and I went out for a bike ride/walk while Kate was at preschool.  Ava wore her new helmet...and Olivia wanted to follow suit, so Ava found her this old Easter hat.  Olivia was so proud to have a "helmet" like her big sis and wore it the entire walk.   She is so into being like her big sisters.  Lately whenever we let her drink from a real cup she smiles and says proudly..."Ava.  Kate. -  Ava.Kate"  Like big sis, like little sis:-)

Toddlers, Curiosity and Freedom

We love our dear Olivia to the moon and back a hundred bazillion times.  She makes us laugh every single day and is just FUN to watch.  She is over the top curious, constantly on the move, very brave (climbs on anything and everything) and is not afraid to stand up to her sisters (most days she runs the show).  And many of these traits, if steered in the right direction, will serve her well in life.  But as a 20 month old...these traits often are the cause for lots of "No's" or throat clearing "eeght's" from me...and lots of frustration, whining, grunting, kicking and crying on her part.  Just today (and this isn't all of it)... 1) We are letting her practice with a real cup at lunch.  Today - she thought it would be fun to dump her glass of milk on the floor - all while looking straight into my eyes from across the room.  Kind of a..."what are you gonna do now mom, huh?" sort of look!  She got a big N...