Chicago, 60 Degree Weather - in February

What do you get when you mix February, with a 60 degree Chicago, with no kids?  Some would say a debacle...I say nothing but fun!  We woke up, had coffee and walked (per usual on our Chicago trips).  Came back, got ready and met the Meisters and headed North to Lincoln Square for brunch. was so nice that we ate brunch on the patio and enjoyed a glass of champagne, which turned into 2 glasses and so on..and so on.... 
Then we decided that it was too nice to go home and instead found another bar to sit, partake in beverages and enjoy the beautiful day (we needed to enjoy the fresh air - right?).  People had Spring fever.  Out walking in shorts, windows open, music bumping.  So fun.   After a bit of shopping we went to another restaurant for snacks....and drinks....on the patio, in Chicago on this 60 degree sunny day. We actually convinced the owner at this restaurant to open the patio.  He wasn't too happy with us at first but I think he was happy when the business started flocking in.  When finished there we thought it would be prudent of us to go to the local Hofbrauhaus to check out some authentic German culture and history (and big beers).  This place was the best ever...big pretzels, an authentic German band, big beers, friends, old people was one big happy place.  And because we hadn't eaten (or drank) enough for the day - we decided it would be a good idea to pick up some beer/wine and go to dinner at a sweet, quaint BYOB Italian restaurant in the square.  When dinner was finished we had finally had enough and caught a taxi south back to the hotel where we were in bed by 9PM, dreaming about the 60 degree February day in Chicago that we drank and ate our way through town on!  One of our Best. Days. Ever!!


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