736. Sturdy warm schools that offer children a safe place to learn.  Tonight we went and said goodbye to Ava's old school - the new school is done and ready to be filled with sweet kiddos!   I know buildings are inanimate objects - but still sort of sad to say goodbye to a fixture that's been standing for years - where so many memories were made, so many children learned to read - and where Ava had her very first day of school.  But onto a new bright place and we are so thankful for that!

737.  The opportunity to paint on walls!  Who wouldn't love that!  Ava's class painted a mural of the sea!  Here she is showing off her fish:-) 
 738.  Our very own brick!  The girls got to decorate a brick in the cafeteria for our family:-)
 739.  That we live in America where education is free and everyone is given an opportunity to learn and carve a path for themselves.


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