662.  My baby girl who turns 3 today!  Olivia Ann!
663. The amount of joy this bundle brings into our lives - can't even put into words.  But a few of my favorites.... 
664. She is smart, quirky, brave, bold, funny...and she doesn't take much guff from her sisters.  Olivia is good at making sure she is heard. 
665.  Olivia's adoration for her Ellie's (and the other 6 of them).  We often hear her playing with them well after we put her to bed.  Sometimes she comes out of her room when she's trying to stay up and tells us Ellie has hit her?? :-)
666.  Her love for spaghetti.  It is her favorite meal.  And when it comes to Cheerios and milk - she can out eat anyone any day.  She loves them.
667. Comments/words that come out of her mouth.  She doesn't like pants that "wiggle" (insists on always wearing tight pants).  And if she can't remember the exact word, she'll just pick one.  For instance...granola was called pinella and penelope the other day:-)  She also pronounces her "Z's" as "J's".  "Mommy...can you please jip my coat up?" 
668.  Some more favorites: purple is her favorite color, Snowy Day is her favorite book, Sophia the First is her favorite cartoon.  She loves gymnastics.  And walks on her tip toes (which we're trying to change a bit!). 
669.  Her heart - she is the best.  My favorite is when she asks if I'll snuggle with her on the couch.  Sure will Lou.  We love our girl. 
 Trying so hard to get that 3rd finger up:-)  It's tricky!
 Got it!
Party with the family - Elephant party of course!
Best buddies!


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