564. Family trips.  Time away to relax and just be a family.  Florida here we come!
565.  Little girls dressed in swim gear - excited to enjoy the water and summer.
 566.  Palm trees, flowers and these three!
567.  Breakfasts by daddy.  Doug woke up every morning and made us all breakfast before the beach. The girls couldn't wait every day to eat their bacon!  
568. Three snuggling sisters.
569.  Oversized beach hats.
 570.  Trudging through the sand and having the whole day at the ocean ahead of us!
 571.  My three little beach babes!
 572.  Building sand castles.

 573.  Salty waves and splashing in the ocean.
574.  God's beautiful creation.  The ocean is amazing and beautiful and peaceful.
 575.  Three of my daily glimpses of heaven here on earth.
576. Tide pools just the right size for two sweet munchkins.
577.  Tuckered out rides back home after a great morning at the beach.

578.  Pool time!  The girls turned into little fish this week!  We had our very own pool at the house and spent lunch to dinner every day in the water.  Dreamy.  I want to go back now!
 I think Kate thinks this is the life!
Lou kept up with her sisters!
 579.  Our handsome chef.  He is the best.  He has 4 girls who absolutely adore him.
 580.  Dinners out too!  Tonight we enjoyed dinner on a swinging table by the sea:-)
581.  Olivia in goggles and swimmies.  Can't help but smile when she's got this get up on!
582.  Coconuts, palm trees and Florida flowers in our back yard.
583.  My Love.  I couldn't be more thankful for this man that I get to do life with.  He makes the journey so much fun. 
584.  Beautiful, wonderful memories made.  And hopes of future joy filled memories to come.  


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