56. The short distance between my brother, sister in law, nephew, niece...and us.  I love our hang out times together - they are the best.
57. Sunrises that fill the sky with amazing colors.
58. My little six year old who tries her hardest with a smile on her face at gymnastics.  She had her first tumbling class today and she had a blast!  Some of the moves are new to her but I was so proud of Ava's determination - she finished things out trying her very hardest and smiled the whole time.  I could not have been prouder!  Then when we went out to the car and she just beamed and told me how much she loved it!  I seriously love her face when she smiles.  I love it all the time, but especially when she smiles!
59. Parents I'm meeting through Ava's school.
60. Church messages on Sunday morning and the people that are there.
61. Brisk walks with a best friend that I've known since elementary school - now we get to do this grown up stuff together.  Love it.
62. Ability to buy groceries for my family.
63. The "thanks for making dinner mommy" I sometimes get from my girls as we sit down to the table.


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