Sandbridge Beach, VA

"A loving family, mine to treasure - better than wealth of any measure." of my absolute favorite quotes and it definitely rang true during our week at the beach. 

I don't know if it can get any better than spending time with family, eating fantastic food, drinking fun drinks (thanks to Uncle Don!), watching some of our kids see the ocean for the first time, playing, laughing, swimming in the ocean and digging in the sand, relaxing, staying up until 4AM with the family...chatting, laughing (and sometimes giving lectures:-)), late night cheesy bread, sleeping in, just being with my hubby, the girls, mom, dad, brothers, sister in law (and sister in law to be!), aunts, uncles and awesome cousins.  To other riches on earth can compare to just being with the people I love.  Thanking God for a great week at the beach!

Polly Pockets at the hotel on the trip down...Olivia chowing down on popcorn:-)
We made it!  Jet & Olivia excited to be out of the car...and into a laundry basket:-)
Olivia, Jet and Mattingly's first time at the ocean.  All the kids had a ball!
The lovebirds...Uncle Pat & Aunt Lindsay!
Olivia loves her Aunt Kathy!
Mattie dipping her toes in...
Uncle Don & Henry!
Henry took a nap every day on the beach.  Now this is the life!
Kate was Mattingly's biggest fan all week.  She couldn't get enough of her baby cousin!
I seriously love this kid....he just makes me smile!
Olivia and Jet had lots of alien sounding conversations throughout the week!
Ava - age 5 & 1/2...Mattingly - 3 months:-)
My cousins Kacy and Zoe are always so great with the kids...bring the fun arts and crafts!
Cousin Ben with Maggie & Kate!
Olivia likes hanging with Uncle Pat!
Aunt Carly did ribbon braids in the girls' hair...they thought it was the coolest.
Here is our crew!  7 kids under the age of 6....whew! 
The 3 musketeers...Kate, Ava & Maggie!
Digging of the daily tide pool...
Mattingly likes the ocean!
Uncle Rob & Ava!
Sleepy Jet.
The lone boys...
Pretty Mattie...
The kids running around after ice cream one night...had a ball!
Jet helping Henry up:-)
Henry!  Life is good:-)
Ring around the rosy...
we all fall down!


Kacy said…
I think heaven is all of us together at the beach! Having spaghetti dinner inside - sitting on the porch hearing the waves and talking :o) . Its such an effort to get down there but so worth it!

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