Easter 2011

Easter festivities started off on Saturday with Easter basket cupcakes and an Easter Egg hunt thrown by church...
They came home from the Easter egg hunt to find Grammy and Uncle Bobby who came to visit for the day!  We spent the afternoon outside...we love spring!
 Lou is our climber!
 The Easter Bunny came!  Ava & Kate hunted for easter eggs and Olivia discovered jelly beans!  I loved the sequence of Olivia stuffing her mouth full of jelly beans and had to include all the pictures. 
After massive jelly bean consumption, we put on our Easter dresses and went to church!

Easter evening we went to Grandma & Grandpa's for Easter dinner. Jet was waiting in the window for us, Mattingly was dressed in her Easter best and Grandma had even more baskets waiting for all 5 grandkids. Fun day!
Olivia checking out her buddy Jet!
Ava & Kate checking out Mattingly, Jet & Olivia in their own little world:-)

Happy Easter!


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