577 Garden Adventures

A fellow mom in my morning aerobics class was raving about a place called 577 foundation, so...the girls and I called up Aunt Carly and ventured down with her and Jet for the morning.  And my fellow mom had every right to rave - it was fantastic (thanks Jennifer!)!!  577 Foundation is a preserved historical property and botanical garden that has a variety of activities geared towards kids.  Ava & Kate absolutely loved it - and so did Carly and I.  And little Jet Jet (as Kate calls him) survived a full day with us girls.  I cannot wait to go back again!!

The Gang...

Checking out the lilly pad ponds, fish and gardens...

Fossil Dig...
Puppet Show...
Water Art...
Fairy Garden...


orahoods said…
What a great place! You got some adorable pictures. You're such a good mom...always finding new fun things to do with your girls!
Kacy said…
Ahhh! They are SO ADORABLE! I love that one of Ava and Kate hugging!!! That place looks awesome. I would have loooooooved the fairy garden and water art when i was little.

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