New phrases

One of my favorite things about being a mom is hearing Ava and Kate say fun, new things. While Kate is 17 months and just beginning to figure out this whole speech thing (although she is our loudest child with constant babbles and a few occasional words that only Doug and I can understand...she manages to bring the decibel of this house up about 50 notches)...Ava has become quite a conversationalist. It cracks us up. A few favorite words/phrases from the past week...

  • Ava...walking down to the basement with Doug..." is quite a mess down here."
  • Me to Ava..."can you turn off the lights downstairs?" Ava to me..."sure Mom, no problem."
  • Ava to the librarian during story hour as the page was turned...and very matter of factly..."that's a submarine." Huh??? Where did she learn submarine??
  • While making snowflakes, as I'm trying to help her..."I can figure it out, okay mommy." Whoa!


  • "Mammy" aka Grammy; "Mammaw" aka Grandma
  • "Sissy....weawu" aka Sissy...where are you? (probably my favorite)
  • "Pwewal"...aka pretzel
  • "Gwerafe"...aka Giraffe

Another favorite lately...when the girls wake up from their naps, they start yelling at each other through the walls. I'll go upstairs, and they'll be giggling, Ava yelling..."Katelyn, come here!" and Kate saying...."Sissy, weawu". Love it:-)

Doug and I also love when they sing along to their kid cd's in the car. Ava gets so into it...The Wheels on the Bus, If Your Happy and You Know It, etc." Motions, crescendo's...everything. Kate follows her lead and I think the two of them are my favorite performers in this whole wide world!


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