Trick-or-Treat 2008
Ava & Kate had a blast! Ava couldn't wait to get into her Thomas costume...choo chooing every 5 minutes and at one point saying to me..."mommy...what does a train say when it stops?" To which I replied, "I don't know hun..." and tried to imitate a screeching brake noise. She very confidently exclaimed..."no goes..." and she let out a "shhhhhh" sort of noise that sounded like a compressor releasing air. I was impressed...because she was so right! She has this train thing down pat!
Our little Thomas...
Grammy & Kate...
Enjoying their bounty...
Grammy came to trick-or-treat, and helped pull Kate in the wagon. Towards the end Kate was anxious to walk, and once out, walked right up to a front porch, arms outstretched going "teet", "teet". She picked that up pretty quick (anything with food!). Here are some pics!
Us and our girls before the big night...

Our good friends the Kalan's (aka Buckeye cornhole!). Best costume of the night I think...