Recommendation: Never take two children under the age of three to the BMV...especially around lunch time. Dummy me thought..."my girls are usually good...I can entertain them for 20 problem, piece of cake."

We managed well with trains and books for about half of our long one hour at the BMV. The other half was a different story including but not limited to...Two falls and head bumps for Kate who cried (screamed) for 5 minutes at the top of her lungs after each. A three year old who was mad she wasn't getting the attention her little sister was getting and started to roll around on the floor (yes the dingy floor) ignoring my "mom" stares and warnings. Kate coloring all over the BMV counter with a I filled out my paper work. Oblivious me...she was sitting on my lap (and I was even thinking....oh good...she calmed down) but between Ava rolling around on the floor, paperwork, the BMV lady's questions and coats/bags hanging off of me...I didn't notice (thankfully the BMV lady was nice and assured me it would come right off). Too many glances from other people in line...probably thinking..."why did this lady bring her kids...and why can't she control them?". Kate taking a bite out of the number we pulled to save our place in line. A stressed out mama...I think my BP went up about 50 points. And one new license picture, with a tiny snippet of Kate's head in it. Mission accomplished. License renewed. It probably wasn't that bad, but to was. I can't tell you how relieved I was to have the kids out the door, strapped into car seats, behavior talk with Ava completed, and headed home. Whew!


orahoods said…
Kim! That story had me laughing...hopefully you're laughing at the memory of it now too! Another humbling mommy moment, right?
B-Mama said…
Oh Keem, you are a brave one! I'm convinced the BMV is one of the worst places on earth. Really. I always forget something and the workers there are never very sympathetic. The lines are usually horrendous. Ugh!!
I have a hard enough time being there--can't imagine what it was like with crazy children! lol. You deserve a large glass of wine... :)
Kris said…
oh man. I have been there. those sorts of errands quickly become exhausting, done they?! uhg! I have SO been there ;-)

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