Conversation with a 2 year old...

In the car on the way to Ava's gymnastics class tonight...

Ava: "Mommy...where can I scream? Can I scream inside?"

Mommy: "No, you can't scream inside. You can scream outside."

Ava: "Can I scream in the basement?"

Mommy: "If mommy and daddy give you permission, you can scream in the basement. Otherwise you have to scream outside."

Driving, driving, driving...change of conversation, talking about the sounds cars make, gymnastics, the grocery store, yaddy, yaddy, yadda. Arrive at rec center, open van door, Ava jumps down and as soon as her feet hit the ground, she exclaims...

"I'm outside and can scream....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

The loudest scream I've heard out of her ever. After a few seconds of this and me figuring out that she was screaming for fun (not out of anger or pain for once)...I said her name about 5 times and asked what she was doing. With a big smile on her face, she looked up at me and laughingly said..."I outside and can scream."

You may have had to be there...but I loved it!


B-Mama said…
That is adorable!! What a well-behaved sweetie!! I wish my boys would ask (and listen) about when its appropriate to scream. Too cute!

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