Meeting Baby Colin & Sibling Rivalry & Roosters
The highlight of today..meeting baby bundle of joy to our good friend's Jenn & Brian. He is adorable to say the very least and Jenn & Brian are naturals!

Of course when you go to a new baby's home you want nothing but to bring a peaceful visit. I don't know what we were thinking bringing our 1 & 2 year old kids (sorry Jenn & Brian!). As soon as we got there, Ava & Kate started full fledge fighting over who got to sit on my lap. After numerous girl screams, hair pulling (mostly by Kate), pushing (mostly by Kate) and knees to my stomach (Ava) husband, who was sitting across the couch laughing, finally came to my rescue...for them only to crawl right back to me and start the whole thing all over again. The girls have desperately been vying for my attention lately...much to Doug's comedic relief (and honestly my wits end). I just keep reminding myself that there will most likely come a day when my girls will outwardly want less to do with me, and I will be wishing for these moments once again. It's hard to be so popular!
We had a great day today...vacation is fantastic! We slept in, played outside all afternoon and went to Grammy's for Chinese! The girls absolutely love their Grammy...she is so sweet with them and they just melt when she's around. We're so thankful to have her so close by!!
Randomly...while rollerblading today on the path behind our neighborhood...I came across a flock (flock??) of roosters beside the side of the path. Only in places like Ohio can you go rollerblading and come within 3 feet of a pack (pack?) of roosters. Love it!

Of course when you go to a new baby's home you want nothing but to bring a peaceful visit. I don't know what we were thinking bringing our 1 & 2 year old kids (sorry Jenn & Brian!). As soon as we got there, Ava & Kate started full fledge fighting over who got to sit on my lap. After numerous girl screams, hair pulling (mostly by Kate), pushing (mostly by Kate) and knees to my stomach (Ava) husband, who was sitting across the couch laughing, finally came to my rescue...for them only to crawl right back to me and start the whole thing all over again. The girls have desperately been vying for my attention lately...much to Doug's comedic relief (and honestly my wits end). I just keep reminding myself that there will most likely come a day when my girls will outwardly want less to do with me, and I will be wishing for these moments once again. It's hard to be so popular!
We had a great day today...vacation is fantastic! We slept in, played outside all afternoon and went to Grammy's for Chinese! The girls absolutely love their Grammy...she is so sweet with them and they just melt when she's around. We're so thankful to have her so close by!!
Randomly...while rollerblading today on the path behind our neighborhood...I came across a flock (flock??) of roosters beside the side of the path. Only in places like Ohio can you go rollerblading and come within 3 feet of a pack (pack?) of roosters. Love it!