Memorial Day Traditions...

Memorial Day week is one of my favorite times of year.  It marks the start of Summer.  And my Mom & Dad's traditional Memorial Day Dad smokes ribs, we drink Bloody Mary's, the Indy 500 is blaring over a radio through my Dad's back yard...and we spend the day with friends and family while the kids run around out in the yard.  Last year my Dad about flooded his basement trying to link a hose from his hot water tank - out to the baby pool to make the water warmer for the kids (I blame the bloody Mary's).  We didn't think he'd ever be able to top that memory and party...but he did.  40 people...ribs for miles, tents, tables and a big bounce house for the kids.  It was an absolute blast to say the very least.  My Dad always says those parties are how he envisions heaven, fun...and all of your nearest and dearest around you, celebrating.  Love it.

Hanging with my dear friend Lisa...
 Uncle Pat taught all the kids to squirt with water bottles.  Getting a taste of his own medicine from Collins.
 The girl loves Grandpa's ribs.  That's my Lou!


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