Slowing Down
Doug and I went out just the two of us to a new Mexican place last night and came home to find Ava & Kate snuggled in bed like this. Best sissies. And I love my husband. And guacamole.
Then Saturday morning ensued - dance for Ava & Olivia this morning and then soccer game for Kate. Ava is learning the "Thriller" dance in her jazz technique class, Olivia is learning the difference between her left and right foot in tap...and Kate is SO much fun to watch on the field. She is small but so quick and fierce when kicking the ball.
After that - it was PF Changs for lunch...just the five of us. Yum. A quick stop at Meijer for Halloween costumes...Ava will debut as a teenage mutant ninja turtle, kate a cheetah and olivia a butterfly. Here's our ninja in a half shell...turtle power.
Then home for a lazy, lazy saturday of napping, picking up the basement, baking cookies, enchiladas and football. Perfect. And we plan to do it all over again tomorrow after church. And I can't wait. And I'm going to eat a few more of these...(pumpkin new fave!).
Bottom line - we need more laziness in our family. The go, go, go is so much fun - but can ware us thin. And home and my four favorite people on a rainy day are just so good for the soul.