522.  Ava Bean and her successful year of kindergarten.  Can't believe it's already coming to an end.  Really??  My baby is going to first grade?  I think I'm having a harder day with the last day of kindergarten than I did with her first day.  She is getting so big and grew up so much and made us so proud this year.

523. Field day, last day, summer anticipation at the bus stop with one of her good buddies!
524. The ability to join in and observe field day festivities.  Kate came too and had a blast.  Ava's classmates thought Kate was the coolest which of course made Kate feel extra special.
525. Proud big sisters who won't let go of little sister's hands.
526. New, sweet friends who made Kindergarten that much more fun for Ava.
527. Watching your child grow and learn, smile and have fun.  Not much more warms my heart.
528. Teachers who devote SO much heart, time and energy into our children's education.  I can't tell you how thankful we were for Mrs. Weiser this year.  She was phenomenal to say the very least.
529. Backyard sprinklers, cookout, dance party picnic to celebrate the last day of school.  School is out for summer.  Time to party!


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