Your Great Name

Today was a bit of an annoying day.  Woke up tired with a cold, only to find Ava with the croup cough and miserable.  Instead of taking care of her and resting was a work day.  Powered through back to back meetings, one of which entailed a tough conversation...standing my ground against a boss I don't quite see eye to eye with.  Not fun.  Laundry is piling up, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, floors need to be swept...the continual list is endless.  Most days I don't let it get me down.  But after this day, the unchecked to do's are annoying me.

Then, as I sit tonight playing the saddest tune on the smallest violin for myself, I'm convicted at how annoying I would sound to most people, wallowing in the self pity of my "annoying" day.  Really Kim? This is nothing. 

I look at the devastated people in Japan and the real life nightmare they are living.  Heartbreaking.

And the young two girls of a friend of ours who passed away a few short hours after giving birth to a healthy baby girl. Unimaginable.

...puts my "annoying" day into perspective. 

As I sit here comparing my bad day to real life tragedies, I am reminded that I have a Savior that is with us and will be with us through all of life's ups and matter how big or how small.  Always.  To comfort us, protect our hearts, lead us and get us through to higher ground. 

So instead of praying for my boss to get a clue (oops...did I just write that?) or my plugged up head to drain, I'm going to ask that God please be merciful to all who are hurting worse than I am today.  That He will bring them comfort, peace and give them the strength to carry on towards better days.  He is capable of bringing them there.  No doubt in my mind.

"Your Great Name".   --Natalie Grant

Lost are saved; find their way; at the sound of your great name
All condemned; feel no shame, at the sound of your great name
Every fear; has no place; at the sound of your great name
The enemy; he has to leave; at the sound of your great name

All the weak; find their strength; at the sound of your great name
Hungry souls; receive grace; at the sound of your great name
The fatherless; they find their rest;
 at the sound of your great name
Sick are healed; and the dead are raised;
at the sound of your great name

Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us,
Son of God and Man
You are high and lifted up;
that all the world will praise your great name


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