Twas the Night Before Christmas...

And all through the house...

Little girls could be found giggling and dancing, placing cookies out for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, their little eyes gleaming with excitement from anticipation of the next day and having some of their favorite people at their house to share the special day with them. The girls couldn't have felt more loved. We made ham (thanks to Grammy), cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, wine, made a fire and had fun hanging out with the fam and watching the girls.

 I would normally only choose my favorite pic of the same pose to put on the blog...but loved Katelyn's different arm poses and Ava's faces while trying to control her little sister:-)
 I think this may be my favorite...
 Love this!
 Dance party with Grammy!
 More wrestling...
 Filling the reindeer water bucket...


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