My girls...

I should be going to bed now but had to write this day down for the memory books....

Today was a great day. Looking for something different to do, the girls and I went to the mall to return a few things, use a gift certificate, walk a bit, ride a merry go round and have a soft pretzel. I let Ava & Kate walk, pushing Olivia in the stroller. It was such a simple trip but so much fun. The girls listened and didn't fight (hallelujah)...and while they were eating the soft pretzel...Ava said "it's a beautiful day." :-)

Next we landed home. Had some lunch and then Ava & Kate headed upstairs to play their new favorite thing..."house". Santa brought them both princess tents for Christmas that we set up in their rooms. Last week I brought up all their dress up clothes, dolls that Grammy got them for Christmas and strollers. Since then they have had a blast pretending that they are on grown up the store, basketball games, the library, gymnastics, over to each others "house" and then back home. It is hilarious to sit downstairs and listen to their conversations...and sometimes they invite me along:-) Today Ava told me that she was the mom, then Kate told me that she was the boy. AHAHAHAHAHA! I guess Ava had named Kate "Jack" and was pretending that Kate was her son. And Kate went along with it as she does 93% of the time when it comes to her big sis. Love it!

And...I have to document that this lasted for about an hour and a half with no fighting! It has been so much fun watching the girls play so well together and use their little imaginations. In addition to Ava & Kate occupying themselves...Olivia took her longest nap yet (she is usually our cat napper only taking 20 minute naps here and there) and slept almost 3 hours in her crib. Yes! I got a lot of housework down today which was super!

While Kate & Olivia napped, I sorted through clothes in my closet and Ava watched. She saw my wedding dress and started asking a lot of questions about Doug and I getting married. I then showed her my shoes, veil and purse which she thought was so fun. She then proceeded to tell me that when she got older she was going to marry her friend Haiden, and God was going to give her a baby named Ella;-)

And lastly...our trip after dinner to the grocery store. Ava & Kate wanted to bring their purses and dolls. Both of them walked behind me for a while, toting their purses and baby's. Then...Ava started to mimic everything I did. When I reached for something on a shelf...Ava pretended to do the same and put it into the cart. When I opened a freezer door, Ava opened a door two doors down, took a pretend something out and then walked over and placed it into the cart. I tried not to let on that I noticed her doing this...didn't want her to get embarrassed...and it just melted my heart watching her. So cute:-)

The whole time Ava was helping me with the grocery shopping, Kate walked behind us in her own little world...singing "Sing" by Elmo & the Sesame Street the top of her lungs in a high pitched voice, totally off key. She sang through half the store. I could not stop laughing and SO wished I could have gotten both her AND Ava on video tape. People that passed by us kept laughing and stopping to watch the little 2 man show I was pulling behind me. Olivia just sat in her car seat...sucking on her fingers...taking in the lights (and the sounds). I have to say it was one of my favorite moments yet with the girls. And all at a grocery store...who would have ever known. was just such a great day that I had to write it down. I love my girls...they make me laugh and fill my heart with so much joy! And I hope they continue to build their little friendships together...and that they keep singing (even if off key).;-)


B-Mama said…
K, you amaze me with TWO outings toting all the girls in one day!! Awesome. Sounds like they all went well--glad to read it. You all are finding your way as a family of 5--doesn't it feel good?! And congrats to your brother and his wife on their new little bean. Blessings to all.

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