6 Years!

Hard to believe that just 6 years ago today Doug and I were walking down the aisle. In some ways it seems like just yesterday...in other ways...6 years seems about right!

We've survived buying our first home, locking ourselves out of that home the first week we lived there, selling it then buying another one; a full fledged move; 2 kids with 1 on the way; 4 career moves between the 2 of us; a 1 year stint of nursing school for me; numerous home improvement projects; traveling (mostly for work, some for pleasure); mass family get togethers (which we actually both enjoy!) and a golden doodle named millhouse. We have a lot more ahead of us...but I am so thankful I will get to share all of life's ups and downs with the guy I married 6 years ago today!

"We love, because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)


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