My Little Fish
One morning a week, the girls and I pack up and head over to the rec center for swim lessons. Ava goes first...her first lesson without me in the pool with her (yikes...I was on the edge of my seat through the first one, but know she's in good hands!). She loves it but is still a little terrified of jumping in and going underwater. If you can tell from the last pic...they do an alligator dance, then hold the teacher's hands, jump in and go under water...she's not a fan. She did tell me this past week that she would try going under water next week when she's a big kid! My always cautious child...I figure in her own time:-) The important thing is that she has a blast and she thinks she's hot stuff for being in the pool without mom. She turns around about 20 times to smile and wave at me. Love it!

After Ava's lesson, we have a break where they play on the indoor playground, we have a snack...then it's Kate's turn. Ava goes to the "sprouts" aka babysitting room, so I can participate with Kate. As I said before, Ava is my always cautious child. Kate is my never cautious child with no fear, and would dive in by herself if I weren't watching her. She loves the water...squealing, clapping and trying to sing along with the teacher. Kate likes to blow bubbles, kick and splash. I don't have any pics of her lesson as I'm in the water with her, but may have Doug tag along one lesson to catch a few.
Here are some pics of my little fish...