Today was an adventure.
Girls woke up in a great mood. Dropped them off at sitter. Breakfast with Doug. Productive with work.
Then, my husband (who was working at home this morning because he has been working
evenings/nights this week) decided to take a break and come talk to me in my office. While talking, he was rummaging through drawers and found masking tape. At this point he began wrapping masking tape around me and the chair and....I was laughing so hard, I couldn't fight back. After about a minute of masking tape, my dad called....Doug answered the phone, handed it to me without saying a word, went to go work out and left me stranded with phone, in my office, completely stuck in masking tape. I was laughing so hard I was crying...haven't done that in a while...loved it!
After finishing work (and digging myself out of masking tape)...I picked up the girls and headed to Kroger for some grocery shopping. Ava is addicted to shopping carts that double as kiddie cars. She expects that when we go grocery shopping, she will get to drive a car. I have tried to explain that we don't get to drive a car every time we go...but she insists "yes...they have cars." Well....they didn't have a car cart today. So, she started throwing a fit as I buckled her into the "big girl" cart (me...trying to sell the cart with "big kid" seats). She proceeded to cry at the top of her lungs all the way through the deli meat counter and part way through the produce section. As I was picking up tomatoes, an older woman came up to me and 'whispered'..."dear...they have FREE cookies at the bakery counter" while pointing rapidly at Ava. I wanted to say to think she deserves a cookie right now? But instead replied...thank-you. I took that as my cue to take my disruptive daughter (with no cookie) to the bathroom for a talk. After some words from mama...she finally calmed down. Thank God. As we were walking through the milk section, another woman came up to me and said...."oh good...she's not crying anymore." I replied..."no....she's settled down now." The woman continued to say..."my daughter tells me it's none of my business, but it's just so sad for me to hear children crying....why was she crying?" After explaining to the woman that she was upset she didn't get to ride in a car cart, and was perfectly fine now...she walked away contented and I moved on to humbly pay for my groceries. I walked out of Kroger wondering if any of these women that gave me "looks" or came and spoke to me ever had children??? Oh boy.
We came home, the girls and I had a fun dinner, played afterwards and then Ava disappeared up to her room. I went to go find her, and in the minute I was upstairs getting Ava, Kate had crawled into our downstairs bathroom, taken apart Ava's potty and started scooping water out of the toilet with the cup part of the potty and dumping it all over the bathroom floor... and herself. She looked up at me with a big grin, so proud of herself and said "hi...hee, hee, hee". At first I was just completely stunned...but then I just had to laugh. A bath and bleach later (bath for Kate and bleach for bathroom) everything was back to "normal".
We had a Fighter adventure today. I am SO thankful for days like this...filled with fun, humility and lots of laughter.
Girls woke up in a great mood. Dropped them off at sitter. Breakfast with Doug. Productive with work.
Then, my husband (who was working at home this morning because he has been working

After finishing work (and digging myself out of masking tape)...I picked up the girls and headed to Kroger for some grocery shopping. Ava is addicted to shopping carts that double as kiddie cars. She expects that when we go grocery shopping, she will get to drive a car. I have tried to explain that we don't get to drive a car every time we go...but she insists "yes...they have cars." Well....they didn't have a car cart today. So, she started throwing a fit as I buckled her into the "big girl" cart (me...trying to sell the cart with "big kid" seats). She proceeded to cry at the top of her lungs all the way through the deli meat counter and part way through the produce section. As I was picking up tomatoes, an older woman came up to me and 'whispered'..."dear...they have FREE cookies at the bakery counter" while pointing rapidly at Ava. I wanted to say to think she deserves a cookie right now? But instead replied...thank-you. I took that as my cue to take my disruptive daughter (with no cookie) to the bathroom for a talk. After some words from mama...she finally calmed down. Thank God. As we were walking through the milk section, another woman came up to me and said...."oh good...she's not crying anymore." I replied..."no....she's settled down now." The woman continued to say..."my daughter tells me it's none of my business, but it's just so sad for me to hear children crying....why was she crying?" After explaining to the woman that she was upset she didn't get to ride in a car cart, and was perfectly fine now...she walked away contented and I moved on to humbly pay for my groceries. I walked out of Kroger wondering if any of these women that gave me "looks" or came and spoke to me ever had children??? Oh boy.
We came home, the girls and I had a fun dinner, played afterwards and then Ava disappeared up to her room. I went to go find her, and in the minute I was upstairs getting Ava, Kate had crawled into our downstairs bathroom, taken apart Ava's potty and started scooping water out of the toilet with the cup part of the potty and dumping it all over the bathroom floor... and herself. She looked up at me with a big grin, so proud of herself and said "hi...hee, hee, hee". At first I was just completely stunned...but then I just had to laugh. A bath and bleach later (bath for Kate and bleach for bathroom) everything was back to "normal".
We had a Fighter adventure today. I am SO thankful for days like this...filled with fun, humility and lots of laughter.