316. A good nights sleep and morning workout.
317. Homey bowl of oatmeal.
318. More beautiful scenery.
319. Windy mountain roads.
320. Viader (my favorite wine of the trip).  
321. Winery stories.
322. Bees buzzing around Rosemary bushes.
323. Courtyards, sun and friends.  Love these 4!
324. Little reminders of my Grandma Julia who I so look forward to seeing again someday.  Not only was her name Julia but...I think I have heard stories about her liking this lady.  Would love to visit this kitchen/museum on our next trip - think I'm going to have to make it happen!
325.  Gott's roadside.  Different location this year - seriously...one of my favorite burgers/onion rings ever.
326. Robert Craig.  cheese. olive oil/rosemary grapes. friends. scenery.  sunsets. some of my favorite wine. Perfect Saturday night.
327. Barrel rooms decorated for dinner.
327. Flava beans!
328. Steak, brownies and water.


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