Daddy Daughter Dance

Ava, Kate & Doug had a date to the daddy/daughter dance Saturday night at church.  The girls were SO excited...we went shopping on Friday and I let them each pick out an outfit for the dance.  Ava insisted on purple.  Kate had actually picked out a pink dress but when she got it on, thought it was too "itchy" and decided she'd rather wear a purple dress like Ava.:-) 

They were bursting with excitement the entire day...couldn't wait to wear their dresses and they especially couldn't wait to dance with daddy!  You should have seen them as they were getting ready.  My favorite I was curling Ava's hair, Katelyn stood right in front of her straightening Ava's dress and staring right up at her, touching Ava's cheek with her hand.  Then they kept giving each other hugs and saying..."you're my best sissy ever".  My mind flashed forward 20 years from me a glimpse of what their wedding days may like.  Best sissies, primping each other for the "big day". 

I love the dynamic between Doug and his girls.  He is such a fantastic dad...loves them all so much and he has this special touch with each of them that I think will be so crucial as they grow.  He's great at fostering happiness and confidence in them, showing them new things and building them each up in unique ways.  In today's world his strong loving presence is going to be vital in raising strong, confident, loving girls...and I'm biased but think he's perfect for the job ahead of him!


orahoods said…
Oh goodness...what a sweet and touching post:) Sounds like you have a wonderful husband and some super sweet girls:)

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