
Showing posts from July, 2010

Cousin Tackle

Jet goes in for the tackle... Completes the tackle... Maybe he was just going for the book after all...


The last few days have been so crazy has been a blur!  Doug and I returned from a fantastic trip out west for a dear friend's wedding...and 5 hours after we returned I plunged back into real world responsibilities...craziness at work - preparing for a big presentation Wednesday amongst other deadlines, teaching vacation bible school (every night this week),  a house that needs cleaned desperately, 3 bumbling constant's been non stop. And it's not going to ease up until Friday this week...can we say ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!    And so when I start to freak out about all there is to do...I stop and remember how thankful I am... For my amazing husband who cleans the house while I'm running around shopping for VBS supplies like a crazed chicken...and who makes me laugh...especially when I get stressed... For my 3 bumbling, constant, happy, healthy  girls and the excited "Mommy" yell and wide armed hugs they give me when I get home from work..

Yoga with My Girls

Do not look at my form...I stink at Yoga...but loved that the girls took a break from running through the sprinklers to try to Yoga it out with Mom! :-)


One of the first times I met some of our favorite friends from Columbus, people were teasing them about having a "family cheer" to spell out their last name (complete with moves to spell out the 5 letters).  I remember laughing with them then...and 9 years later...we're still laughing!  They came up for a quick visit, and it was so, so, so good to catch up.  One of my FAVORITE moments...watching Leah stuff dessert into her mouth.  She could not get enough, fast enough (my kind of girl).  The pics below make me laugh every time I look at them.  She has the best facial expressions!!  Love her!!  I also love the one where Ava is watching her sort of like "oh my gosh...what is this girl doing??"  Kristin...this girl obviously needs more dessert:-)  We love them...they are the best!  Let's hear it for K-A-L-A-N's! 

Overheard Conversation

Between Ava and Doug last night... Ava: "Daddy...when I get married one day will I not live at home?" Doug: "'ll live with your husband...but you have to come back here and visit mommy and I all the time." Ava: "Why?" Doug: "Because we'll miss you bunches and will want to see you..." ....melting my the dad/daughter dynamic going on in this house:-)

4th of July Duds...

Daddy went to Meijer and bought a big pack of fireworks.  They were sort of duds.  And it was funny.  But the girls thought they were the greatest thing since hot dogs...and as always their daddy is the coolest.  Anticipation... The Big Show....I'm telling you...this was as fancy as it got.  I think Doug was dissapointed...poor guy.  But Ava & Kate thought it was top notch and we won't let them think anything different:-)

Toilet Bowl Obsession

Following in her sister Kate's footsteps, Olivia is getting more and more adventurous...and this week her adventures have taken her to the toilet.  She is OBSESSED.  As soon as she hears the toilet bowl clink or flush - she beelines it as fast as she can crawl, to the bathroom.  My ears have become attune to the toilet bowl clink.  I know to beat Olivia to the bathroom to prevent her from fishing in the bowl. mom ears must have been out of tune today.  I was loading the dishwasher...all 3 girls playing in the family room...all was well (or so I thought).  I looked out to check where Olivia was...didn't see her and knew to go straight to the bathroom.  And this is what I found.  Thankfully the toilet bowl lid was closed, so no fishing.  Instead...she made do with  toilet paper.  She also tried eating the toilet paper (I had to scoop her mouth out...she had a wad-ful).  She seemed so proud of what she had done (even waving in one of the pictures like "hey mom..

Uncky Rob & Uncky Pat

A mere 15 years ago my brothers and I would chase each other around the house, up and down the stairs, punching each other, locking doors to keep each other out, locking the house to keep each other out (I even think there were a few spit tortures here and there).  We fought like cats and dogs.  Fast forward to today...they are two of my best buds.  I love hanging out with them.    My favorite...weekends when my littlest brother (Uncky Pat) comes up to visit and we get to all three hang out along with our "significant others"...(that is such a cheesy label...but as soon as Pat gets married...I can change pressure Pat...hint, hint, wink, wink).  We have So. Much. Fun.  And's a little surreal...watching my brother Rob as a dad (such a great one at that).  And both of them as awesome, caring, fun "uncky's".  The girls absolutely adore them.  Not to mention the amazing girls both of them picked...I could NOT have asked for better.  And tr