Shoe Shopping

Out shoe shopping with Ava today, trying to find Christmas shoes. She first picked shoes that had 2 inch heals and another that was opened toed and looks like glass. I told her she couldn't have those shoes (which didn't go over well with her) and gave her three age appropriate options. She took all three over to the hard floor and started banging them on the ground. I asked what she was doing and her response was..."I want the shoe that makes the loudest clop." Love that she's picking her shoes by how much noise they make on the floor. Unfortunately, they did not have her size.

So...the next day we ventured to another store. Again she chose shoes that were totally age inappropriate (why wouldn't she...they were shiny, sparkly, with huge "cloppy" heals). So I again gave her 3 least favorite of which had a small heal. This time she gave me more of an argument but finally realized I wasn't going to stray outside the 3 options. I tried my best to sell my two favorites..."they're shiny, have a bow, look like princess shoes"...but...guess which one she chose...the one with the small clopping heal. As soon as we got home, she put her shoes on and wore them around all day. She thinks she's hot stuff clopping around with her shoes.

And she's only 4. And the shopping arguments have already begun. And I have 3 girls. Oye!

This shopping experience taught me a few lessons...
1. I'm in for tough shopping experiences so...
2. I need to grow the thickest skin in order to stick to my "guns" when it comes to clothes.
3. As long as I am able, I will leave the girls at home and pick out their shoes/clothes for them...I can maybe eliminate some of the early shopping arguments/headaches.:-)

I think I am getting payback for the shopping trips when I yelled and pouted and argued with my mom because she stuck to her guns and made me stick to age appropriate, reasonably priced clothes. Now I'm in her shoes, times 3:-)


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