Kate's Birthday Party!

We had a small birthday party for Kate on Saturday. Some of her favorite people were there...Grammy, Grandma & Grandpa, Cousin Luke, Aunt Amy and Uncle Tim. We had a Sesame Street theme...and lots of pink and purple balloons (Kate loves balloons), cupcakes and pizza. Despite being a bit under the weather, she loved being sung Happy Birthday and demanded that we sing it multiple times (pronouncing "happy birthday" as "happy dirdday"), she loved blowing out her candles and opening presents. Kate and Ava both wore their princess dresses. Ava was SO excited for Kate's party...she was so sweet and wanted to help decorate and encourage her sis through all birthday related activities. All in all a fun party for a very loved 2 year old! My camera's flash is broken, so all I'm able to take are black and white's for some reason, and outside pics. I'm going crazy and will be getting it fixed this week!


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